Our careers partners

Who we work with

What we produce needs to be well-informed and of high quality. It needs to align with the careers framework where you are, and help you do your job. We work in partnership with careers organisations so what we do hits the mark. We want as many young people as possible to access what we do. 

We partner with organisations such as Careers & Enterprise Company (CEC), Career Development Institute and Gatsby. We also work with Unifrog so you’ll find some of our content available there.  

We partner with The Skills Builder Partnership. All the activities we feature on Neon highlight the essential skills young people need to succeed in education and in their future career. So, from problem solving and team work to listening and creativity, you know what to expect.

Two people in discussion, facing each other. One has their back turned to the camera.

Careers campaigns

We support National Careers Week and Green Careers Week and you’ll see our engineering and tech careers content across British Science Week and National Apprenticeships Week too.  

We’re the team behind Tomorrow’s Engineers Week. This awareness week takes place every November, showcasing amazing professionals and diverse engineering and tech careers.

We’re also a strategic partner in This is Engineering, a campaign to bring engineering to life for young people.

Three people at work in a meeting. One is standing and writing at a whiteboard while the other two look on.

Careers Working Group

Our careers resources are created by our Careers Working Group. STEM Learning, UCL Engineering, Royal Academy of Engineering all have someone in that group. There is also a teacher and representatives from Institute of Physics, BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT, the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Meet the Careers Working Group

Careers frameworks

Careers frameworks guide our work so what we do aligns with the latest thinking and the context you’re working in. These include the CDI framework, Gatsby benchmarks and the Curriculum for Wales framework and DYW Scotland. Also, the universal framework Skills Builder. 

  • We make the link between the curriculum and future careers. We give classroom learning context and help young people see what people do in real jobs.
  • We provide opportunities for young people to meet and hear from people working in STEM careers. They find out their interests, career path and any barriers they’ve overcome to get there.
  • We showcase a diverse range of professionals in our case studies so young people can find someone they relate to.
  • We present all engineering and technology career pathways. We want young people to be aware of opportunities and to explore different possibilities. 
  • We draw on labour market information and highlight a wide range of real-world STEM careers and possible future jobs. We want young people to understand the range of opportunities available to them.
  • We encourage young people to think about what they have learnt, the skills they have developed and how they might use them in a career 

On Neon we use the Gatsby benchmarks to give you an idea of the careers elements of featured activities. So, for example, you know whether a workshop is going to provide encounters with employers and employees or will link curriculum learning to careers.