Senior leaders

About us

EUK Education is a rich source of STEM careers information, inspiration, resources and activities.

It brings together everything that EngineeringUK does for schools, teachers and young people. And it’s all free. The brand is new, but we’ve been bringing STEM careers to life since 2001. A lot has changed since then but we’re still dedicated to inspiring young people and helping schools get great outcomes for their students.

Two people sit at a large desk at work. They face each other. One has a pen and notepad, one has a laptop.
A group of secondary school students standing around a desk in a classroom. They are engaging with scientific models of different structures. One student is holding a model.

How we can help meet your school objectives

We know school senior leadership teams have many responsibilities. You have a strategic vision for your school and ambition for your students. And you have to balance budgets, demands and reporting obligations.  
We can provide resources and activities that form part of your careers programme, helping you meet the expectations for career education. Through EUK Education you can also bring classroom learning to life, motivating students to continue with STEM and helping them embed their learning for better outcomes. We also offer STEM funding for schools, so we may be able to help you with your budget.

How we make a difference

Taking part in careers activities and meeting STEM professionals influences what young people think they could do in the future.

Funding for schools

We can help your school budget go a little further. We offer bursaries to help qualifying schools take part in more STEM careers activities.

Who we work with

We work in partnership with careers organisations, employers, educators, government and professional bodies.

Support for educators

Teachers and careers leaders are at the heart of everything we do. To make it as easy as possible to find what you need, we’ve pulled together bespoke support, information and resources specifically tailored for your role. 

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Two adults sit at a table at work. They face each other in discussion. One is holding a piece of paper as they look at their colleague.

How we help teachers and career leaders

We run STEM programmes and activities that are linked to the curriculum and have embedded careers information. We want as much of what we offer to be ‘plug and play’ with minimal preparation required. So we work with educators to get them right. Students find the activities engaging and teachers love how they help build subject knowledge and link to careers. 

We have classroom resources including lesson plans and materials, assembly and form-time resources and homework. We have lots of posters for display in classrooms and corridors. There are also extra-curricular activities, competitions and challenges. And teacher CPD so your team have the skills and confidence to deliver the sessions. 

Everything we offer can feature in a careers programme for your school. Our careers resources are developed with industry professionals and are tailored to different age groups. Careers advisors and coordinators can use our suite of free careers resources and case studies with their students and support and inform classroom teachers. We also share the latest labour market information. So they can keep up-to-date with where the jobs are and what skills employers want.

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Our science academy, its reputation is built on days like Big Bang at School.

— Assistant Head Teacher
Someone at work at their desk, looking at their screen holding a mouse

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Our dates for your diary also include key dates linked to our programmes and activities. Don't miss a thing!

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