About us

A teacher with a selection of pupils in a secondary school science lesson. They stand around a table which has lots of models on it. Some are holding and interacting with the model structures.

Hi! We’re EUK Education  

Do you want young people to think about STEM careers? We do. So, we help schools and students access quality STEM careers inspiration.

EUK Education brings together everything that EngineeringUK does for schools, teachers and young people so you have all you need to inspire young people into STEM careers. What does that include? High quality careers resources, curriculum-linked lesson plans, a way to find the best activities, inspiring role models, funded drop-down days and STEM careers fairs.   


That’s right! We offer funding for schools to give students more opportunities to interact with STEM. Oh, and all our programmes and resources are free. Our programmes include Big Bang, Climate Schools Programme and Energy Quest. We’re also responsible for the annual Tomorrow’s Engineers Week campaign. And we’re the team behind the brilliant Neon website.  


We want to make quality STEM inspiration accessible for schools and teachers. So, we create top notch content, signpost to the best activities and offer funding for our priority schools. What are priority schools? They’re the schools most likely to have students from groups underrepresented in engineering and technology.  


Secondary school students in a classroom at a desk working. One writes as the others look on.
A teacher with a selection of pupils in a secondary school science lesson. They stand around a table which has lots of models on it. Some are holding and interacting with the model structures.

Why we do what we do

Our mission is to make it quick and easy for schools to access high quality science, engineering and technology careers inspiration. We know there are really rewarding careers to be had in engineering and technology, in a wide range of industries, at all levels and across the UK. We want school students to know that too. 

We also know that engineering skills are in high demand and expected to grow. That means we need more young people going into these jobs. It also means they are well paid and prospects are good. 

Many young people don’t know what engineers do. We want to change that so they can see how what they learn at school shapes the world we live in. Innovation, design, problem solving, teamwork, creativity are at the heart of engineering and technology and we want to bring that to life for your students. When young people meet an engineer or technician or take part in a STEM careers activity, they’re more likely to consider a career in engineering and technology. So, we want more of them to have that opportunity.  

Explore careers

Working to the curriculum 

You have to squeeze a lot into a school day. So, we want the activities and resources we create to make things easier for teachers and careers leaders. And we want them to get young people thinking about a possible future in technology and engineering. 

Our programmes have lesson plans, activities and resources all linked to the curriculum. They’re free and designed to help teachers deliver engaging lessons where students understand how their learning links to real jobs they could do.  

Explore our programmes


A secondary school student is in a classroom in a practical lesson. They are wearing protective goggles and apron as they work with electronic equipment, focusing on the materials on their workbench.

Who we work with

We work in partnership with educators, careers organisations, industry, government, professional bodies and delivery partners. 

Funding for schools

We want all students to have the chance to do great STEM activities however tight school budgets are. So, we offer a range of bursaries to our priority schools. 

We make a difference

Our careers resources and programmes help students see they could have a career in STEM and show them the career pathways. 

Career partners

We work in partnership with careers organisations so what we do is great quality and works for students, teachers and careers advisors.

Support for educators

Teachers and careers leaders are at the heart of everything we do. To make it as easy as possible to find what you need, we’ve pulled together bespoke support, information and resources specifically tailored for your role. 

Explore support for educators

Two adults sit at a table at work. They face each other in discussion. One is holding a piece of paper as they look at their colleague.

Our programmes

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