Climate Schools Programme science practical 1B – heat

Last updated: 13 September 2024

Green energy transition  

This is science practical 1B – heat of the Climate Schools Programme. The lesson is designed to: 

  • Get students thinking about designing devices to harness the energy of the sun 
  • Give students practical experience of building and testing a device 
  • Focus on green jobs 

You could teach the science lesson 1B – heat before this lesson if you wanted to

This resource includes: 

  • Climate Schools Programme lesson plan 
  • Climate Schools Programme slide deck practical 1B – heat
  • Climate Schools Programme student worksheets practical 1B – heat

The kit you will need to deliver this lesson includes: 

  • Cardboard boxes 
  • Scissors 
  • Sticky tape 
  • Black paper or card 
  • Wooden skewers  
  • Aluminium foil 
  • Clingfilm 

If testing: 

  • Thermometers or data loggers 
  • Bars of chocolate 

After this lesson you can also teach: 

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The Climate Schools Programme is designed to support schools across multiple departments, SLT, and school governors. We hope to facilitate this collaboration by connecting staff from the same school or MAT with each other. Please let us know below if you would like us to share your details and the details of your application with other staff at your school or MAT. *
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