Climate Schools Programme Climate Action Club

Last updated: 13 September 2024

Start a Climate Action Club 

A climate action club is an extra-curricular club for students aged 11 to 14 to work on engineering or technology-based projects taking action to reduce a school’s and/or a community’s contribution to climate change. We recommend it take place once a week either after school or during lunch, and we provide resources for students to undertake their own projects on a range of themes. 

The climate action club resources are designed to: 

  • Be action focused 
  • Develop employability skills
  • Celebrate success 


This resource includes: 

  • Climate Schools Programme leader guide 
  • Climate Schools Programme student guide 
  • Climate Schools Programme recruitment deck

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Areas of Specialism *
We offer a range of inspiring free STEM and engineering engagement opportunities for young people and want to be able to inform your school about this - please let us know below if you would like to be kept updated about these opportunities *
The Climate Schools Programme is designed to support schools across multiple departments, SLT, and school governors. We hope to facilitate this collaboration by connecting staff from the same school or MAT with each other. Please let us know below if you would like us to share your details and the details of your application with other staff at your school or MAT. *
We are able to facilitate a connection with a STEM Ambassador to support you while you implement this programme. Please indicate if this is something you would be interested in taking us up on. *