47,000 young people to take part in inspiring STEM days thanks to RAF Charitable Trust partnership
We are delighted to be partnering with RAF Charitable Trust to expand the reach of Big Bang at School Blueprint, helping secondary schools to host their own exciting science and engineering days.

The partnership with RAF Charitable Trust will support up to 47,000 11 to 14 year olds from across the UK to enjoy their own STEM-filled day with amazing science and engineering activities, workshops and project work and spark a passion and curiosity for all things STEM.
Big Bang at School Blueprint aims to bring the same fun, excitement and interactive learning experience as The Big Bang Fair (held each year at the NEC) to the classroom, bringing science, engineering and technology careers to life through shows, workshops and activities.
The Big Bang at School event gave us the opportunity to celebrate STEM across the curriculum. It enabled our students to get hands-on with employers and other providers to bring STEM to life and give them experiences that they wouldn't ordinarily have experienced.
— Teacher