Our teacher network

Three people sit around a table in an office meeting room setting. One has their back to the camera. One is at their laptop. One has their hand raised.

Our network of educators

Teachers are at the heart of our mission. Our network of educators, career leaders and SENCOs help ensure the programmes we run and the resources and activities we develop have a real impact. 

The network helps us understand the ways they connect with young people, especially those from groups that research shows are less likely to go into engineering and tech careers. 

Our members enjoy the benefits of connecting with fellow educators, influencing STEM engagement and shaping the development of new educational programmes and resources. And because we know time is precious, we send our teachers a £30 voucher every time they attend a session. 

We first launched our teacher network in 2020 and since then teachers have helped us on a variety of projects. These range from the design and content of classroom resources and the development of our bursaries to increasing collaboration between industry and schools and advising on our programme timings, so they fit with the school cycle.  

The EUK Education Teacher Network is made up of 12 members from across primary and secondary schools who meet virtually once every half term, with meetings scheduled around their availability, typically after school for 90 minutes. 

We don’t currently have any spots available on our teacher network. Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to find out when we’re next recruiting.  

Being a member of the teacher network has enabled me not only to develop my own personal knowledge of resources and areas of focus within engineering, but also to work with teachers across the country and see how other schools and teachers are working towards the same goal of developing student knowledge and experiences.

— Member of the Teachers network

The speakers attending the meetings and resources have been really informative and allowed the network to have a say in future resources which has been really helpful when accessing them. A fantastic working group that I can highly recommend, to support not only personal development but also that of students and staff across the engineering family.

— Member of the Teachers network